Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Christmas Colour

I've been playing with some luscious, irresistible Christmas Colour Swatches. I used the colour picker and paint bucket to add their colours to the Christmas Doodles, I'd scanned in. 
(You're welcome to use the swatches for private use too.)


I love these bright fruity colours! so I used these in my entrance hall... and the traditional colours in my tree.


Thursday, 12 December 2013

Pause - it's Christmas

I know! I know! Busy, busy, busy!
Christmas baking - Christmas making - Christmas drinking - Christmas eating - Christmas talking
Running here, running there! Me too!!!

I have one Christmas wish for you:

Take a moment. Pause what you're doing. Now, with your eyes, your ears and your heart, record.
Because Christmas is about making and creating memories.

May you find many special little moments, this Christmas, to PAUSE & RECORD.

Merry Christmas!
Enjoy creating your memories!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

It's a Wrap

(image and design by Michelle Olive)

Michelle sent me this lovely Christmas Wrap idea! She went for a different colour scheme - Bright and fun neon colours with black & white accents. She calls her designs her doodles and added a little African flavour in the patterns, within the motifs.

I think it works beautifully and the fun she had creating comes across in her design! I also love the font she used for the Merry Christmas. Don't you think her idea of "doodle bands" with these motifs would work wonderfully, to put around gifts?

(image and design by Michelle Olive)

Michelle also sent me this link: Have a look at hokeypokey press for lovely gift wrap designs sold in gift wrap packs , with matching paper, ribbons and cards. Best of all you hang the packs behind your door! 

So that's a wrap! I hope you had fun creating and got some wonderful wrapping inspiration!