Monday, 14 October 2013


I've been struggling to find the appropriate way to get started. As one often does. So standing with my cup of coffee in hand, I saw my answer through the kitchen window: YELLOW!

Yellow postman's bike under yellow tree with yellow leaves scattered on the ground! Where's the camera?!!! No camera, so I did a little sketch for you.

A random way to start? Yes! But if one remembers that the inspiration doesn't have to be "perfect", you'll find it all around you. It's allowed be random.


Sounds like a good place to start.

October seems to be a yellow month in this part of Germany and since I decided on yellow inspiration I see it everywhere around me. It's such a vibrant colour that the idea of creating with it, is exciting and fun!

Come on, join me! You know you're going to see it everywhere now. It's irresistible!

Find yellow - Pause - Soak it up - Get Creating - Go Play!

I'd love to hear about what you come up with! Tell me about it - add your comments below.
Soon to come: my yellow creations ; practical tips when photographing yellow

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